I was reading in a devotional book owned by a friend of mine today, and ran across a Swedish proverb that goes like this: “In a small house, God has his corner; in a big house, he has to stand in the hall.”  I found this pretty intriguing, and shared it with one of my grandsons. We paraphrased it. What we came up with was , “God will take up as much room in your house as you give Him.” 

It’s not easy sometimes to talk about matters of faith, but I found this proverb gave me a good visual image. Sometimes it’s clearer when we see things in pictures. Have I shoved Him into a corner, covered by knickknacks, brochures, handouts, and charging cords for my electronic devices? Maybe it’s time to clean up a bit, make space, make more room for God in my life.

Even a small bit of time spent reflecting, praying, or otherwise seeking His counsel can create the balance I crave. My life can get busy, carpooling grandchildren to tutoring, swimming, meeting friends for lunch, and even buying groceries (not my favorite thing).

Sometimes it takes just a few minutes to get a better perspective on how things could be if I slow down just a little. Our creator gave up the one he loved the most so that you and I might have eternal life by believing in him. Christ’s death and resurrection restore us in right relation with God. He loves us and wants to dwell with us now. Sometimes we just need to make room. When Christ returns, I want to be in the clouds of witnesses to this longed for event.

When I humble myself, talk to my maker, praise and worship him, I am restored to a better me in this lifetime, which is who I long to be. I will be more intentional to remember whose I am today!